With Express Bonus you add events to an Express and increase your Bonus!
A Bonus not to be missed!
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Express Bonus
Bet on Expresso! Each event in the express must have a factor of at least 1.3.Number of Events in Express and Percentage
- 5 Events: 7%
- 6 Events: 8%
- 7 Events: 9%
- 8 Events: 10%
- 9 Events: 11%
- 10 Events: 12%
- 11 Events or more: 13%
Express Bonus Example:
- Coefficient of a given express for 6 events is equals to 12.1.
- At the rate of 1 000 $ player's net profit is 11 100 $ + 8% bonus.
- Final payout including bonus equals 1 000 $ (bet amount) + 11 100 $ (win amount) + 888 $ (8% of win amount) = 12 988 $.